Assalamu alaikum, May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be on all of you,
As we know, NDF has claimed that it was formed to protect the Muslim community in Kerala from its enemies. But in reality, we have seen that they have become one of the most destructive elements of the Muslim community in Kerala either directly or indirectly nowadays. Recent attack on the Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen and the ex-SSF & NDF activist, Saleem Hamadani and the present annihilating scenario in Tirur and its surroundings are the best example for this kind. People are fed up with the inhuman activities of both RSS and NDF and they hate all types of extremism either from the majority or from the minority wing of the people. Such devilish acts of killing and disabling of people in the name of religion is a hidden agenda of all extremist radicals for recruiting people to their group. By creating chaos, deadlocks, unstable and unpeaceful situation in the society they are spreading their distractive pseudo heretical thought among the high sensitive and emotionally inspired people of their community. They consider killing of their religious followers by opponents as a boost to the recruitment of members to their radical group. They never fight directly facing each other but often happy in killing of innocent people by sudden and unanticipated attack like ambuscade. We people have one request to them, please leave both Muslims and Hindus and fight each other face to face and decide your destiny by killing each other.
Islam always stands for peace
A Muslim can never be a threat to the common innocent people. In fact, a Muslim should be a source of peace for innocent people since Islam always stands for peace and consider anything which goes against it as the last resort of the religion e.g. war. Islam means, achieving peace by submitting one’s will to Allah, the Almighty God and it promotes peace and universal brotherhood among the people. Islam has very trenchant ideas for achieving this goal (peace and the universal brotherhood) through presenting an acceptable common term for the entire people in the world i.e.' There Is No One Worthy of Worship but Allah, the Almighty God Alone and No Partner and No Associate for Him'. Islam never support racism, terrorism, colour discrimination, communal disharmony, violence, hostility etc and it is also not a religion to conquer the land to establish an Islamic state instead it conquering and purifying the heart of the people to prepare them for the life after death through the remembrance of Allah, the Almighty God. Islam stands for tolerance not for intolerance and shows willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs and practices of others without compromising its own beliefs and practices.
Modus operandi of NDF
But, if we are looking to the activities of NDF in Kerala we can see that they are not a source of peace for innocent people or Muslims. Their modus operandi is, after creating fuss and assault in a place, immediately absconding from the area for a better safety place by leaving Muslims in that area to a great miserable situations. If they are really inspired from verses of Qur'an or devoted and pious Muslim, they have to remain there for the safety of Muslims from the consequent attack of enemies. But in reality they could not protect even their householders in Tirur. What a crackbrained people!!?? Good for nothing and even for families. Alas!!!
Muslims in riot areas like Maraad, Nadapuram etc have been suffering a lot since they lost wealth, health and more over it was reported that many women were molested and many houses were looted. Who is responsible for all this disruptions?? Muslims in Kerala should not waste their time to think about the chaos of this NDF and immediately should stop each and every support for this organisation for the safety of Muslim community. Otherwise it will cut the very root of the peaceful co existence of people of Kerala in general and Muslims in particular.
This sort of modus operandi of NDF can be seen widely among the Shias like Iran revolutionary guards, Mehdi Army, Hezbollah etc but in contrary to the fact NDF claims they belong to the followers of Ahlu Sunna wa Jamah.
Dual stand
A Muslim also must always be vigilant towards all the innovations, deviations etc in the name of Islam with in the community as well as from outside. But we never see such qualities among NDF activists. Because they usually getting inspiration from people like Shia philosopher Ali Shariathi, Sayed Qutub, Che Guevara etc (see their 2005 calendar). What an Islamic (?) spirited people?? Alas!!
Whenever an anti-social elements/ un-Islamic practises see a Muslim, he should be terrified. In Kerala, there are lot of Shirk centres, both in whole sale and retails, can be seen every corner since Saqafees, Baqafees and other Kuboories consider such centres as their livelihood. But these Islamic spirited(?) people never fight for such major disasters of humanity which will lead to the ever existing hell fire in the life after death instead they will fight for protecting such centres in the name of Islam?!
Irrelevant organisation
It is so common among such groups that they will deny everything against them because deception and working with a hidden agenda are widely accepted among these sorts of people. We Muslims in Kerala could not understand the necessity of NDF even though we Muslims having difference of opinions in beliefs and practices and used to argue each other to convince people about what is good and what is bad. Most of the groups in Kerala join together in a common platform against issues like Sharia, civil code etc. Then, what is the role of a group like NDF in Kerala? Are they a parallel military force of India?? We majority of Muslims in Kerala are not demanding such a troop since arrogance and aggression are not a remedy for any problem. Majority of Hindus are very tolerant and believe in unity in diversity and they also are against such anti social groups in their religion. If they were not so, Muslims would have been swept away from the map of India as more than 80% of the people are belongs to Hindus in India.
Hidden Agenda of disrupting propagation of Islam
It is the agenda of enemies of Islam to disturb the propagation of Islam, Da'wa. They used to adopt many methods to stop the primary duty of a Muslim, conveying the message of true Islam to people, by creating an atmosphere of arrogance and misunderstanding between people. This sort of acts of NDF will help the enemies instead of getting a helping hand in the path of propagation of Islam. Existence of peace and tranquillity in a society is very much essential for propagation work but this deadliest chaos of NDF preventing Muslims to strive in the course of Allah. Decide who the real enemy of Islam is?
Nowadays Medias are so enthusiastically working for misunderstanding Islam among the people. As we know, firstly they are associating the act of terrorism in the name of Islam since people of all generation severely condemn terrorism & extremism due to its nature of delaying or interrupting the continuity of the progress of the society. Islam never stands for the deprivation of civil rights and the progress of the nation but being the fascistic nature of NDF it does so.
An Eye Opener
It should be an eye opener for every one especially for Muslims regarding the fighting and killing of Muslims each other in Palastain between Fatah and Hamas, Sunni and Shia in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon etc. it is an excellent example for ideologically empty-directed and hyperbolised Muslims. It may happen in Kerala also if the Muslims in Kerala do not come to a common platform to check the chaos of NDF by forgetting all differences existing within them for the safety of Muslims and people as a whole. Those who feel that speaking against deviant pseudo-Islamic groups and exposing their insensate activities to the people is a waste of time and energy, is in fact total contradiction to Qur'ân and Sunnah. Allah says in Quran, In Soorah Aal'imraan 3:110 "you are the best nation raised up among mankind (because) you command the good and prohibit the evil” Commanding the good is not sufficient in itself to earn us the title "best of the nations" it must be complemented by the prohibitions of evil. Purifying the Religion of Allah and defending it from the attacks of deviant pseudo-Islamic groups is a collective obligation of all pious and God fearing Muslims, if Allah did not bring up some people to oppose the innovators, and then the Religion would suffer harm, corruption and deviation. Allah knows better.
May Allah, the Almighty God save the humanity from the chaos of all terrorists and extremists and bring peace and stable environment for the co existence of people of different ideology, nation etc.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and in the here after
Mammedutty Nilambur
Please visit me @ http://360.yahoo.com/mammaduty
Assalamu alaikum, May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be on all of you,
As we know, NDF has claimed that it was formed to protect the Muslim community in Kerala from its enemies. But in reality, we have seen that they have become one of the most destructive elements of the Muslim community in Kerala either directly or indirectly nowadays. Recent attack on the Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen and the ex-SSF & NDF activist, Saleem Hamadani and the present annihilating scenario in Tirur and its surroundings are the best example for this kind. People are fed up with the inhuman activities of both RSS and NDF and they hate all types of extremism either from the majority or from the minority wing of the people. Such devilish acts of killing and disabling of people in the name of religion is a hidden agenda of all extremist radicals for recruiting people to their group. By creating chaos, deadlocks, unstable and unpeaceful situation in the society they are spreading their distractive pseudo heretical thought among the high sensitive and emotionally inspired people of their community. They consider killing of their religious followers by opponents as a boost to the recruitment of members to their radical group. They never fight directly facing each other but often happy in killing of innocent people by sudden and unanticipated attack like ambuscade. We people have one request to them, please leave both Muslims and Hindus and fight each other face to face and decide your destiny by killing each other.
Islam always stands for peace
A Muslim can never be a threat to the common innocent people. In fact, a Muslim should be a source of peace for innocent people since Islam always stands for peace and consider anything which goes against it as the last resort of the religion e.g. war. Islam means, achieving peace by submitting one’s will to Allah, the Almighty God and it promotes peace and universal brotherhood among the people. Islam has very trenchant ideas for achieving this goal (peace and the universal brotherhood) through presenting an acceptable common term for the entire people in the world i.e.' There Is No One Worthy of Worship but Allah, the Almighty God Alone and No Partner and No Associate for Him'. Islam never support racism, terrorism, colour discrimination, communal disharmony, violence, hostility etc and it is also not a religion to conquer the land to establish an Islamic state instead it conquering and purifying the heart of the people to prepare them for the life after death through the remembrance of Allah, the Almighty God. Islam stands for tolerance not for intolerance and shows willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs and practices of others without compromising its own beliefs and practices.
Modus operandi of NDF
But, if we are looking to the activities of NDF in Kerala we can see that they are not a source of peace for innocent people or Muslims. Their modus operandi is, after creating fuss and assault in a place, immediately absconding from the area for a better safety place by leaving Muslims in that area to a great miserable situations. If they are really inspired from verses of Qur'an or devoted and pious Muslim, they have to remain there for the safety of Muslims from the consequent attack of enemies. But in reality they could not protect even their householders in Tirur. What a crackbrained people!!?? Good for nothing and even for families. Alas!!!
Muslims in riot areas like Maraad, Nadapuram etc have been suffering a lot since they lost wealth, health and more over it was reported that many women were molested and many houses were looted. Who is responsible for all this disruptions?? Muslims in Kerala should not waste their time to think about the chaos of this NDF and immediately should stop each and every support for this organisation for the safety of Muslim community. Otherwise it will cut the very root of the peaceful co existence of people of Kerala in general and Muslims in particular.
This sort of modus operandi of NDF can be seen widely among the Shias like Iran revolutionary guards, Mehdi Army, Hezbollah etc but in contrary to the fact NDF claims they belong to the followers of Ahlu Sunna wa Jamah.
Dual stand
A Muslim also must always be vigilant towards all the innovations, deviations etc in the name of Islam with in the community as well as from outside. But we never see such qualities among NDF activists. Because they usually getting inspiration from people like Shia philosopher Ali Shariathi, Sayed Qutub, Che Guevara etc (see their 2005 calendar). What an Islamic (?) spirited people?? Alas!!
Whenever an anti-social elements/ un-Islamic practises see a Muslim, he should be terrified. In Kerala, there are lot of Shirk centres, both in whole sale and retails, can be seen every corner since Saqafees, Baqafees and other Kuboories consider such centres as their livelihood. But these Islamic spirited(?) people never fight for such major disasters of humanity which will lead to the ever existing hell fire in the life after death instead they will fight for protecting such centres in the name of Islam?!
Irrelevant organisation
It is so common among such groups that they will deny everything against them because deception and working with a hidden agenda are widely accepted among these sorts of people. We Muslims in Kerala could not understand the necessity of NDF even though we Muslims having difference of opinions in beliefs and practices and used to argue each other to convince people about what is good and what is bad. Most of the groups in Kerala join together in a common platform against issues like Sharia, civil code etc. Then, what is the role of a group like NDF in Kerala? Are they a parallel military force of India?? We majority of Muslims in Kerala are not demanding such a troop since arrogance and aggression are not a remedy for any problem. Majority of Hindus are very tolerant and believe in unity in diversity and they also are against such anti social groups in their religion. If they were not so, Muslims would have been swept away from the map of India as more than 80% of the people are belongs to Hindus in India.
Hidden Agenda of disrupting propagation of Islam
It is the agenda of enemies of Islam to disturb the propagation of Islam, Da'wa. They used to adopt many methods to stop the primary duty of a Muslim, conveying the message of true Islam to people, by creating an atmosphere of arrogance and misunderstanding between people. This sort of acts of NDF will help the enemies instead of getting a helping hand in the path of propagation of Islam. Existence of peace and tranquillity in a society is very much essential for propagation work but this deadliest chaos of NDF preventing Muslims to strive in the course of Allah. Decide who the real enemy of Islam is?
Nowadays Medias are so enthusiastically working for misunderstanding Islam among the people. As we know, firstly they are associating the act of terrorism in the name of Islam since people of all generation severely condemn terrorism & extremism due to its nature of delaying or interrupting the continuity of the progress of the society. Islam never stands for the deprivation of civil rights and the progress of the nation but being the fascistic nature of NDF it does so.
An Eye Opener
It should be an eye opener for every one especially for Muslims regarding the fighting and killing of Muslims each other in Palastain between Fatah and Hamas, Sunni and Shia in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon etc. it is an excellent example for ideologically empty-directed and hyperbolised Muslims. It may happen in Kerala also if the Muslims in Kerala do not come to a common platform to check the chaos of NDF by forgetting all differences existing within them for the safety of Muslims and people as a whole. Those who feel that speaking against deviant pseudo-Islamic groups and exposing their insensate activities to the people is a waste of time and energy, is in fact total contradiction to Qur'ân and Sunnah. Allah says in Quran, In Soorah Aal'imraan 3:110 "you are the best nation raised up among mankind (because) you command the good and prohibit the evil” Commanding the good is not sufficient in itself to earn us the title "best of the nations" it must be complemented by the prohibitions of evil. Purifying the Religion of Allah and defending it from the attacks of deviant pseudo-Islamic groups is a collective obligation of all pious and God fearing Muslims, if Allah did not bring up some people to oppose the innovators, and then the Religion would suffer harm, corruption and deviation. Allah knows better.
May Allah, the Almighty God save the humanity from the chaos of all terrorists and extremists and bring peace and stable environment for the co existence of people of different ideology, nation etc.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and in the here after
Mammedutty Nilambur
Please visit me @ http://360.yahoo.com/mammaduty